Halloween Brief: Everything Ohio, Oprah’s Top Haunts, Candy Robots

Halloween News Brief for August 30th

Up Today: Ohio ’s New Health Guidelines, Robotic Candy Delivery, The Haunted Drive-In Theatre, Oprah’s Top Haunt Pics, Trapped in Las Vegas, and Ireland’s Dilemma.

Interview: Max from the Ohio Haunters Association drops in to give us an update on what’s happening in Ohio (see below).

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Image Credit: WKYC Studios

Ohio Department of Health Issues Guidelines

The Ohio department of health recommends that haunted houses and hayrides be canceled or avoided this Halloween season due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s important to note, these are not really closures, but merely recommendations from the state of Ohio. Governor Mike DeWine said Thursday. When you look at the haunted houses, probably a much higher risk than the normal trick or treating, just because of the close proximity inside those houses.

We know though that the ones that are staying open are taking precautions to keep the guests apart, keep everything sanitized and prevent the spread of any COVID-19 and infections. Other attractions have opted to stay closed for the season. To give us a better understanding of what’s happening in Ohio, we phoned in an expert (see below).

Image Credit: Yahoo Sports

Robot Candy Delivery is Here!

In a North Austin neighborhood, somebody has taken creativity to a brand new level. Luke keyes, a software engineer, and his wife created a haunted science lab in their garage for the kids to come visit, but he wants to encourage social distancing. So this year he decided to scrap those plans and focus on a backup. He’s built a robot to deliver candy to the kids. Maybe we can do reverse trick or treating where we just drive RD around and he’ll deliver candy to the kids? So in light of this crisis, there’s somebody taking creativity to a whole new level.

Image Credit: Patriot Ledger

The Haunted Drive-In Theatre

Speaking of creativity, this Halloween season Barrett’s haunted mansion has decided to go with a drive in theater format. Mary Barrett Costello has switched scare tactics and put together this spine chilling drive in theater behind the house is a way to deliver the thrills and chills that many of the residents have come to know and love. Each Friday and Saturday through October 31st Barrett’s will present a double feature ranging from creepy classics like Poltergeist and Halloween to modern day chillers like zombie land. Movie goers can order food from the Abington ale house, which gets delivered to their cars or stop by the concession stand.

Image Credit: Oprah Magazine

Oprah’s Top Haunts

Oprah magazine has come out with its list of the 10 scariest haunted houses in America. It includes ones like the Bates motel, field of screams, Dan schoolhouse, 13th floor cutting edge haunted house, Kersey Valley, spooky woods, 13th gate and netherworld haunted house. There are lots of other haunted houses that are going to be open as well. They just didn’t make Oprah’s list this year.

Image Credit: Blooloop

Trapped In-Car Haunt Experience in Las Vegas

If you’re in the Las Vegas area, there’s a new drive-in experience at the industrial event space in Las Vegas. It’s designed to be enjoyed from inside your car and they’re calling it ‘Trapped.’ It takes place all around your vehicle, which is located within a ‘haunted pod.’ The experience uses projection technology and spooky soundtrack coming over your car’s radio.

Dublin Live
Image Credit: Dublin Live

Dublin Considers Cancelling Halloween

We’ve got news from Dublin Ireland where they’re saying that Halloween could be canceled with no trick or treating for kids. If they go up to a level four (they’ve got a different level system for their infection rates). They’re even seeing outbreaks in the country, which is a big cause for concern. They’re making appeal to the public to continue following the restrictions in this area. It is four weeks away and things could change. They could get better, they could get worse.

Ohio Haunted Association
Image Credit: Ohio Haunted Association

Ohio Haunter’s Association

To give us an update on Ohio, we’re dialing in an expert- Max from the Ohio Haunters Association. For detailed videos on each area in Ohio, watch his videos!

“Well, as far as the haunted house seasons going in Ohio, we are seeing record breaking attendance on opening weekends in Ohio, which makes looking at this haunt season very favorably as far as attendance goes. And I think the haunts that are opening are very excited. This coming weekend, we’ve already had many haunted houses that have opened,” began Max. Watch the rest below or listen above!




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