Halloween Never Dies: Halloween 2020 Special

Happy Halloween!

Today’s Halloween Special “Halloween Never Dies” is presented in two acts, with an intermission.
Act 1 is the audio version of Seasonal Entertainment Source Magazine’s Issue 28. Intermission includes music from Chris Thomas and Whispers of a Witch’s Halloween Special. Act 2 is a collection of short stories from haunters about why they love Halloween.

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Act 1 contains:
Remembering Halloween by Scott Swenson (Narrated by Donald Kinsley)
GROWIN’ UP WEIRD by Lindsey Gwen Robbins (Narrated by Jennifer Ann Scott)
HOWLING FOR HALLOWEEN by Ted Dougherty (Narrated by DW McCann)
EPIC Entertainment by Steve Sheldon and Charity Hill (Narrated by Halley Maree McClure)
SURVIVING 2020 by Cody Bailey (Narrated by Aaron Rivera)
HOME HAUNTERS by Brian Foreman (Narrated by Donald Kinsley)
PRANKSTER TO PLAYING GANGSTER – 1930s HALLOWEEN By Hayley Gross (Narrated by Jennifer Ann Scott)
MAKING A GRAVEYARD by Chris and Jeff Davis 

ATTRACTION MEMORIES by Alan Ostrander (Narrated by Donald Kinsley)
A HAUNT TOUR REMINISCENCE by Nick and Beverly Pappas (Narrated by DW McCann)
TRANSFORMATION by Alisa Kleckner (Narrated by Halley Maree McClure)
IT STARTED WITH A “YES” by Darryl Plunkie (Narrated by Donald Kinsley)
WAIT, YOU CAN SEE ME!? by Tyler and Nora Proffet (Narrated by Halley Maree McClure)

Narration for Act 1 by: Jennifer Ann Scott, David D. Jones, DW McCann, Donald Kinsley, Halley Maree McClure, Aaron Rivera, Alan Mckinney, Jeff Davis, Matt Schanandore, Philip Hernandez and Teresa Ryan.

Intermission: “Halloween Comes Tonight” by Chris Thomas and Whispers of a Witch Halloween Special by Jennifer Ann Scott.

Act 2 Contributors Include: Michael Fernandez from 1870 Haunt Manor, Spencer Terry From Fear Factory Salt Lake City, Ernie from The Grey Phantom, Bill Galvin from Hull House, Jon from the Real Ghostbusters, Max Bryant from the Ohio Haunters Association, A Petrified Forest, Zach Glaros from Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail, and Creatures of the Night at Zoo Tampa.

This episode was produced by Philip Hernandez and Sponsored by Gantom Lighting and Controls.

Post Production and Mixing by David Swope.

More Halloween Week Specials:

Halloween Past and Present

Image Credit: Queen Mary's Dark Harbour

Take a trip with me through Halloween Past and Halloween Present. Today we’re going on location to haunted attractions all over the US, including: Kinetic Theory in Los Angeles, The Queen Mary in Long Beach, Forbidden Acres in El Paso, The Maize in Buffalo, Howl o Scream in Tampa, Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando, Creatures of the Night at ZooTampa, The Dark Seance and The Tunnel of the Damned, and Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail in Orlando.
Listen online, on our website, or via SoundcloudGoogleSpotifyBreakerSpreakerOvercastCastboxiTunesiHeartRadioStitcher, or RSS.

Awake in the Dark

Image Credit: Scott Swenson

Dark Stories read by the author, Scott Swenson.
Listen online, on our website, or via SoundcloudGoogleSpotifyBreakerSpreakerOvercastCastboxiTunesiHeartRadioStitcher, or RSS.

Road Trip: A Tale of 4 Home Haunters

Image credit: Ghostbusters News

While sitting at home is driving some of us crazy, it’s giving others the chance to create. In this year when so many haunts have gone dark, home haunts are seriously stepping up. On today’s special, join me on a road trip to 4 different home haunts. We’ll hear all about the obsession, the learning, and the passion behind these projects. Coming up, we’re stopping at Hull House in Buena Park, 1870 Haunt Manor in Anaheim, The Grey Phantom is Norwalk, and the Real Ghostbusters Display in Austin Texas. Buckle up and let’s hit the road!
Listen online, on our website, or via SoundcloudGoogleSpotifyBreakerSpreakerOvercastCastboxiTunesiHeartRadioStitcher, or RSS.

New Videos

The Grey Phantom 2020

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The Real Ghostbusters Home Haunt Display 2020

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1870 Haunt Manor 2020

Growing up in the shadow of Knott’s, Michael was too young to scare act.. So he made his own experience!

Hull House 2020

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Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail 2020

A short video montage of our visit.

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