Newcastle Nightmares Announces the Opening of Two Spooky Attractions in Newcastle Oklahoma on September 29th

Newcastle Nightmares include the Haunted Trail and Graveyard and the Zombie Hunt.

Haunted Trail and Graveyard

Along the Haunted Trail, guests travel through twists and turns down a terrifying outdoor foot path as they attempt to escape from the Widow’s Web, survive Camp Carnage, and avoid burial in the Eternal Slumbers Cemetery. The path takes 20 to 30 minutes to navigate.

Newcastle Nightmare

Zombie Hunt

In the Zombie Hunt, up to 12 guests at a time climb aboard a trailer and are transported along a 15-minute ride during which they shoot paintballs at the hordes of the undead through a mix of woods and structures.

Newcastle Nightmare

Tickets for Haunted Trail and Graveyard are $10, tickets for the Zombie Hunt are $20, or a combo ticket is available for $25. Newcastle Nightmare is open from 7 pm to midnight on September 28th and 29th, October 5th and 6th, October 12th and 13th, October 19th and 20th, and October 26thand 27th.

Newcastle Nightmare is located at 900 North Portland Avenue in Newcastle, Oklahoma.

For more information, visit the event website,




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