TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show Edition

The TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show will take place March 17th – 20th at the America’s Center in St. Louis, Missouri. For four decades, TransWorld has created the marketplace for the haunted attractions industry where haunters can network, learn, gain inspiration, and purchase the newest products from industry vendors. Map out your route to view all your favorite exhibitors with the floor plan and exhibitor list. Check out the daily seminars held by industry leaders, including the HAA’s C.H.A.O.S. Safety Seminar. Don’t miss out on the many daily events outside the show floor, starting on Wednesday, March 16th  with the Windy City Haunt Tour featuring HellsGate, Disturbia, Massacre Haunted House, and Basement of the Dead. Other highlights include Thursday night’s City Museum Party; Friday’s Haunted Attraction Association Live Auction, Darkness Haunted House Behind the Screams Tour, and The Vampire Circus; and Saturday’s HAA State of the Industry Seminar and OSCARES Awards, and Trick-Or-Treat – A Vintage Halloween Costume Ball. TransWorld Halloween and Attractions show is everything you need to make your Halloween season a success.

The all-new TransWorld Tribute Store will open daily Thursday – Sunday starting at 8:00 a.m. The store will feature all the TransWorld merchandise you know and love as well as limited edition merchandise from exhibitors including Toxic FX, Stiltbeast Studios, Distortions Unlimited, Ghost Ride Productions, Froggy’s Fog, and more. These specialty limited edition items will be signed, numbered, and sold on a first-come, first served basis on the day of their release. You can catch a sneak peak of the special merchandise in last week’s TransWorld Live

Visit the Haunted Attraction Network at booth 1903. Meet members of our team and learn more about our podcasts, newsletter, and website. On Thursday, March 17th from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Scott Swenson of Scott Swenson Creative Development LLC and “A Scott in the Dark” podcast will be at our booth signing bookplates for attendees who order any of his books online. We look forward to seeing you at the show!

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TransWorld Vendor Promotions & New Products

CFX (Booth 602) will hold its biggest sale of the year. Receive up to $75 off silicone mask and glove orders (excluding licensed items) and $30 flat rate shipping for US domestic deliveries using UPS. Each order placed during the sale will receive a CFX Swag Bag with lanyard, sticker, and CFX worm. Can’t make it to the show? Use the code CFXTW22 on their website between March 17th – 20th for online discounts. 

Creature Corps LLC (Booth 930) is offering show pricing of 10% of masks and props through March 20th. 

Get an early start with your TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show shopping with Froggy’s Fog’s Show Discount Code: TW2022Froggy’s Fog (Booths 522, 523, 623) will not have cash & carry available at the show this year, but all fluids will ship free with the code TW2022. 

Known for their “actormatronics”, Gore Galore (Booth 1103) will debut a new giant angler fish at this year’s TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show. The “Manglerfish” will feature an LED globe, glowing eyes, and UV reactive. Other new products featured at the show will be a Moray Eel, “KillSaw” 6′ long chainsaw, and more. 

Haunt Shirts (Booth 1102) will debut new designs and beachwear apparel at TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show. While the company began with haunter-inspired shirts, the focus has changed to year-round Halloween-inspired streetwear. “We’re becoming more of an apparel company”, says co-owner James Winton, “We’ve evolved over the years… we’ve got onesies, and t-shirts, and hats, and who knows what happens in the future.” 

The Haunted Attraction Network (Booth 1903) is offering a $250 advertising credit to HAA Member Companies.

Visit Haunters Against Hate (Booth 1440) for new t-shirt designs, the latest edition of Book of Haunters, and 2022 pins. Attendees will also be able to buy tickets for the annual Haunters Against Hate Raffle, which will offer prizes donated from 12 companies including Gore Galore, Froggy’s Fog, Synapse Films, and more. Learn more about this non-profits’ mission statement, books, and live event in the recent HAN interview with creator Paul Lanner. 

Debuting for the first time at TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show, Henry Monster Designs (Booth 1717) will offer 10% off all orders made at the event

Pale Night Productions (Booth 417) is offering a limited-time discount on all Perma-Product orders through March 16th with the discount code: TW22. Receive additional savings by picking up your order at TransWorld Halloween and Attractions Show instead of standard shipping. After the sale ends on March 16th, prices on all Perma-Products will be raised for the first time in 15 years to reflect the rising raw material costs – so be sure to place all orders soon.

ProAiir Body/FX Makeup (Booth 1304) will give away a free stencil, Friday, March 18th. To pick up your free stencil, like their photo on their Facebook page, leave a comment, and screenshot or save the image. One stencil per person while supplies last. 

Just in time for TransWorld, RIP City FX has rebranded to RCFX (Booth 832, 833). RCFX is offering 15% off all orders of $500 or more online OR on the show floor (no combining). The offer will be available Thursday, March 17th – Sunday, March 20th. 

Want a free merit badge from Scareit Badges (Booth 1443)? Check out their Facebook page on how to pick one up at the show. 

Strega Moon Productions (Booth 740) is offering 20% -50% off their Silicone Movie-Quality Props. Can’t make it to the show? After TransWorld, they will post limited-time discount codes on their Facebook page.

Zombie Skin FX (Booth 831) is offering a 30% discount on their Pro Haunt Kit. Other featured products include their Medium Pro Haunt Kit, single jars, 4 oz jars, one-ounce syringes, and 12 pack of one-ounce containers. Haunters looking to buy latex products should place their orders at the show to guarantee the best pricing. In an interview with the Haunted Attraction Network, owner Joe Glen warned that prices may increase soon, “I’m going to say by July 1st the price is probably going to be going up. And it’s unfortunate, but everything’s getting expensive… Don’t be surprised if you see raw materials double in price.”

Conventions & Mixers

Calling all SoCal home haunters – HauntX is offering free Home Haunter Photo Op Spaces at their upcoming June 11th – 12th event in Pomona, California. In an effort to support the home haunt community, HauntX is offering these free spaces in their new “Haunters Row” experience, a series of photo ops where haunt & Halloween fans can sample area home haunts and share their photos on social media. Interested haunters should fill out the HauntX 2022 Vendor Survey to apply. Spaces are limited and will be assigned based on receipt of application.

West Coast Halloween Convention is seeking donations for their annual charity auction. All proceeds from the auction benefit the WCHC grant-giving program, which provides grants to help death and/or autistic children. Potential donors can fill out the Auction Donation Form


With more and more haunts opening for special events throughout the year, should you consider adding these additional events to your haunt calendar? Scott Swenson of Swenson Creative Development shared with the Haunted Attractions Network his Four Reasons to Add an Off-Season Event to Your Haunt: additional revenue, utilizing assets, expanding your audience, and building loyalty.

This Thursday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. PST Fear Expo Haunt Master Classes will present “Getting Started ‘Haunt 101” with Leonard Pickel of Hauntrepreneurs. Tune in live at Fear Expo’s Facebook page

U.S. Haunts & Events

The team at Fright Nights (West Palm Beach, Florida) is preparing for their 20th Halloween season this Fall. The haunt plans to bring back two classic mazes from previous years and revamp a third maze to make their 20th season their best yet.
Field of Screams (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) held a successful 3rd Annual St. Patrick’s Day event on March 12th

This past weekend Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group kicked off their 30th season with “Blood Alley Haunt”. For 30 season’s Zombie Joe has exposed Los Angeles audiences to R-rated experimental theatre that pushes the boundaries of many individuals comfort zones, “Hopefully [Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group] will be able to influence more people with the theater world here in LA,” Zombie Joe said in an interview with the Haunted Attraction Network, “More people will want to do experimental stuff, more actors will push themselves and get out of their comfort zones with sexual stuff, or nudity, or violence, or whatever, and realize the things that we make a big deal out of as actors, as theater goers, it’s really not that big a deal.” Zombie Joe’s next event will be “The Unsackable Man” (written by Dan Waldkirch) on April 8th. You can learn more about upcoming events and purchase tickets on Zombie Joe’s official website

This past February Deceased Farm (Lexington, South Carolina)  opened for an off-season Valentine’s Day event. In an interview with the Haunted Attraction Network, Technical Director Blanchard Williams described their approach to creating a unique off-season event with the same level of quality as their Halloween season. One technique they use to infuse their haunt with the holiday theme is to take their usual characters and put them in holiday roles, “I have one character who collects things, and for Valentine’s, he’s decided instead he’s going to collect Valentine’s Day cards and attach them all over himself which makes him just a unique character for people to come and visit. So, they know the character, but he’s different.” Deceased Farm also works with other haunts in the area that do not operate their own off-season events to hire extra staff for their event. With a large turnout this past Valentine’s Day, Williams expects the haunt will look to expanding their escape rooms into more off-season events and eventually open their haunt for more special events throughout the year.


Haunt Comp has extended their deadline to March 19th. Haunt Comp, an educational competition focused on the design side of Halloween Haunted House walkthrough attractions, is returning for their third annual competition. The same Directors from 2021 are joined by partners at Midsummer Scream, Knott’s Scary Farm, and The Essential Art Department to present this year’s competition. Haunt Comp is open to current college students and recent grads with less than 2 years of themed entertainment industry experience. Entrants will submit a proposal for a haunted house revolving around a concept that will be revealed at the opening ceremony on March 22nd. Proposals will be judged on Written, Visual Development, Schematic Design, and Presentation elements. A full list of rules and judging criteria can be found on the competition’s website. Sign-ups will close on March 19th or when 30 teams have applied (whichever comes first).


Spring Haunt Events

St. Patrick's Day

Castle Blood (Monessen, PA) – March 18 – 19
Hudson Haunted House (Hudson, OH) – March 18 -19
Wells Township Haunted House (Brilliant, OH) – March 18 – 19


All Saints Lunatic Asylum (Apple Valley, CA) – April 8 – 9
Carnage Haunted House (Columbus, OH) – April 8 – 9

Halfway to Halloween

EverHaunt (Angola, NY) – May 13
Fear Fair (Seymour, IN) – May 13 -14
Planet Doom (Idaho Falls, ID) – May 13 – 14
Reign of Terror (Thousand Oaks, CA) – April 22 – 23

Podcast Episodes You Might Be Interested In

The Power of Policy
Today’s show is all about the impact of policies on the attractions industry. From Chapek’s latest debacle to the Russian Oil Ban, Tokyo Disney’s new passes, and the cancellation of IAAPA Expo Asia – it’s a policy week on Green Tagged.

Gore Galore: Using Actormatronics to Engage Actors
Today we’re previewing the new products from Gore Galore and learning a tip for engaging your actors. Now in their 24th season, Gore Galore is known in the industry for pioneering ‘actormatronics.’ 

Zombie Joe’s Blood Alley Haunt Begins This Weekend
Zombie Joe’s Underground Theatre Group Kicked-Off Their 30th Season with BLOOD ALLEY HAUNT – and we went on-location to find out more. 

Field of Screams Hosts Annual St. Paddy’s Day Event
Field of Screams was open Saturday, March 12th, for their 3rd annual St. Paddy’s Day event – and we’ll hear all about it. 

Haunted Attraction Industry News for March 9th
Read more here

Evil in the London Fog at Rotten Apple 907
Rotten Apple 907 in Burbank CA celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2021 with the theme ‘Evil in the London Fog’. They welcomed over 4000 guests for a 6-night run that raised over $6000 to Volunteers of the Burbank Animal Shelter. I grabbed Diane Meyer to ask her how it felt to be back with a full walkthrough after having only a display for 2020.

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