Email Marketing Isn’t Dead and You Should Be Using It for Your Haunt

On day 10 of our 2021 Hauntathon we talk with Tim, one of the co-founders of Scary Good Marketing, about email marketing, the why, and how you should be using it.

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Email Marketing Is Still Viable According to Tim

Now email marketing is one of those things that a lot of people say is dead or dying, but I want to share with, you very quickly, a few stats from 2020 about email marketing and why you really want to be doing email marketing when it comes to your attraction. So, according to Constant Contact, 72% of customers prefer email as their main channel of communication and OptinMonster shows that 93% of email users check their email every single day, upwards of 20 times a day, which is actually higher than social media. So, people are still checking emails, people are still responding to email marketing, and everything when it comes to emails.

What Should You Be Doing Right Now?

Really, the big thing that you want to be doing is leveraging your email marketing and sending out stuff as soon as you can, and normally what you really want to be doing is start sending it out early. So, now that we’re getting into the beginning of this month, you want to start sending out emails, letting people know the things that you’re going to be doing, any kind of photos, any of that stuff that you have, send out stuff to follow you on social.

Sometimes you may have email subscribers, you may have people on your email list that are not following you on social or not doing that kind of stuff. So, you want to remind them about that, you want to make sure that you are letting them know the dates that you’re going to be open, the times you’re going to be open, your location, and all those kinds of things so that they can be prepared moving forward.

Email Marketing

Email Providers Are Out There and Mostly Free to Start

Now there’s a lot of email providers out there, and the great thing is when you’re just starting out, and if you don’t have an email list, you don’t have any of that stuff, it’s very, very easy to get started. A lot of companies offer free accounts, normally they’re around the 1000 subscriber range. So, if you have less than 1000 subscribers it’s pretty much free and you can send out, normally, unlimited emails to those subscribers. So, it’s really, really good if you’re just starting out. Then as you start getting over 1000 subscribers you do have a little bit that you have to pay.

Now, Scary Good Marketing’s favorite platform is MooSend and yes, Moo as in Cow. The reason we like it is they have a lot of automation and just a lot of things that you can do with your emails, which is really, really great. If you want to kind of get a little bit more advanced and do some of those things, you can do that. But, if you’re just starting out it has all the tools you’re going to need to start collecting emails, start getting people on your list, and then you can go and you can essentially send out these broadcasts.

Automation Is a Great Tool According to Tim

In MooSend you can write them all up, and even if you take this year to write those emails, you can put them in an automation and you can have them automatically go out next year. You may just need to change around some of the dates and some of that stuff, but it can really become a lot more automated for you. It’s a very easy way to get in front of people that are already interested in your haunt because you know that people that have come to your hunt in the past, they’re more likely to come back year after year after year, you just need to continuously make sure to update them and let them know, keep them in the loop.

Scary Good marketing

Scary Good Marketing Has More Resources for You

As I said, email is still one of the highest viewed things when it comes to online marketing and advertising. So make sure you are getting your email marketing set up. Really take the time to get in there and kind of do some of that stuff. Now, in some of our upcoming episodes that we’re going to be doing, we’re going to be talking about things that you can put in these emails, that kind of stuff, and like I said, we have a bunch of resources for you. We have an entire page that we’re going to be continuously updating, now all the way through Halloween, with different things that you can be doing that are going to help you in your marketing efforts. With these episodes, we’re really trying to keep them condensed, but over there we’re going to give you a lot more resources moving forward. So, the big thing is get your email marketing down.




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