Shining a Light on… Santa Claus

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: Creating Memorable Moments with a Traditional Character By Scott Swenson Yes, you read the title of this article correctly. I’m not writing about monsters or demons or anything else haunt-related. In this article, I’ll be shining a light on one of the ultimate holiday icons, Santa […]
Break Your Own Rules and Surprise Guests to Create Lasting Memories

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: by Ricky Brigante Memorable experiences not only make audiences want to return but make them want to relive the experience by re-telling their story to friends. In this way, guests become ambassadors for your business, which brings in new customers. But the reason to intentionally create […]
Crafting Memorable Moments in Your Haunt Using Engaging and Iconic Characters

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: By Michael Burnett In our day-to-day lives, there are moments we remember forever and others that slip away almost immediately. Not all moments are created equal. When designing haunted attractions, we must focus on creating exceptional moments. Many elements must come together to boost the sensory […]
The Basics of Actor Intake

Jonathan and Crystal Talk to Japes Palles about how actors and haunts can find a good match. This blog is based on episode 179 of our Haunt Weekly podcast, in which Crystal and I interviewed Japes Palles, a man who’s worked all over the haunt industry, hither and yon, in a wide variety of roles. […]
The Very First A Scott in the Dark Podcast—The Basics

Offering a great new information source for haunters This blog is based on the very first episode of the A Scott in the Dark podcast. I was so excited to begin this new adventure, which is designed for and targeted to haunters. My name is Scott Swenson, and I want to start off by telling you […]
Shining a Light on… Teams That Last Through the Season

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: By Scott Swenson Every seasonal event requires a dedicated team of eager and talented individuals. Keeping that team for the entire run, however, can be challenging. The very nature of seasonal events is that they’re temporary. This should be clear to anyone simply by the definition […]
Wearable Interactive Gaming Technology leaps forward this weekend with the debut of ZTAG 2.0.

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: Imagine bringing the thrill of a zombie chase to your attraction. Zombies chasing humans, and the threat of infection making the air hum with excitement. Imagine watching the virus jump from zombie to human, complete with sound and color. Imagine multiple game formats to challenge the […]
The First Seven Seconds: You Have Less Time Than You Think to Make a Powerful First Impression

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: By Scott Swenson On July 30, 2018, Gantom Lighting & Controls hosted its second annual Leadership Symposium for Seasonal Attractions aboard the historic and haunted Queen Mary in Long Beach, California. Crafting memorable first impressions using the critical elements of elevation, insight, pride, and connection was […]
Grit Outta Here: When Grit Goes Wrong

Too tired to read? Listen to this article instead: By Margee Kerr, PhD To think like a sociologist means to make the familiar strange—in other words, to question what we take for granted or assume to be true. It’s amazing what insights can be unearthed when you start pulling at the thread that starts and […]
The Newly Refurbished and Immersive Horror Crypt in Blackpool

An interview with owner Kurt Walsh on recent upgrades to the iconic attraction This blog is based on Episode 133 of the ScareTrack podcast, in which Hannah and I did an on-location interview with Kurt Walsh, the owner of Horror Crypt in Blackpool. Kurt and his wife bought Horror Crypt in 2017 when it was […]