Midsummer Scream to Host a Livestream “Telethon”

Midsummer Scream Telethon

There in Spirit: Midsummer Scream — a Daylong Livestream Telethon Celebrating All Things Spooky Midsummer Scream, the world’s largest Halloween and horror convention, will be hosting a livestream telethon all day Saturday, August 1, featuring previews and updates for Halloween events and attractions, including related performances, talks from leaders in spooky entertainment, as well as […]

5 Enormous Halloween Events Cancel Plans


While one haunt has reopened, Disney’s Halloween Party, Kennywood Halloween events, and Eastern Penitentiary’s Terror Behind the Walls announce canceled seasons. On June 29, 2020, the Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor joined several other large events that have already canceled for 2020. However, Fear Factory in Salt Lake City, Utah held a successful reopening event on […]

Fear Factory Haunted House Successfully Reopens

fear factory

Tickets sold out for the May 29 “Halfway to Halloween” Event at Fear Factory in Salt Lake City On May 29, 2020, Salt Lake City’s ​Fear Factory became the first professional haunted attraction in the world to safely open during the coronavirus pandemic. Themed attractions and most other businesses shut down in the U.S. in […]

Empower Your Haunt’s Audience

Empower your Audience

By Ricky Brigante, Edited by Staff What follows is a summary of Ricky Brigante’s keynote given at the 2017 Haunted Attraction Symposium, the theme for which was ‘Innovation in Interactivity.’ This symposium, sponsored by the Haunted Attraction Network and Gantom Lighting & Controls, featured six keynote talks, each themed on a different aspect of interactivity. […]

HauntQue Booking App Seamlessly Syncs Prescheduled Guests With Walk-Ins


HauntQue allows guests to schedule their visit to your haunt so it works best for them and for you. HauntQue virtual queue line is an “intelligent waitlist app” designed for haunts and other events. The benefit to guests is they can sign up from anywhere and choose which time slots are right for them. This […]

Haunt Extreme Disaster Preparedness and Survival


Take steps now to prepare for any type of disaster to enhance the chances your business will survive it. By Carol Jeffers I am Carol Jeffers (CJ), Founder and CEO of Jaqarden LLC (5th Level Disaster Preparedness Through the Lens of Recovery – Consulting) and Extreme Disaster Solutions Inc. (EXDISO – Nonprofit). This article provides […]

Training Haunt Actors in Interactivity

‘You Want Me to Do What?’ Training actors in the science of immersive interactivity.

By Dr. Margee Kerr, Edited by Staff What follows is a summary of Dr. Margee Kerr’s keynote given at the 2017 Haunted Attraction Symposium, the theme for which was ‘Innovation in Interactivity.’ This symposium, sponsored by the Haunted Attraction Network and Gantom Lighting & Controls, featured six keynote talks, each themed on a different aspect […]

Drop 96 FEET PER SECOND at This Haunted Mine

haunted mine

Developing Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park’s Haunted Mine Drop By Philip Hernandez Most of us have had the experience of stepping into an elevator on a top floor of a high building, watching the doors close, and wondering—at least for a few seconds—what would it feel like if the elevator’s mechanism failed and we plummeted floor […]

Actor Safety in the New World – a Guide

actor safety

We’ve always focused on actor safety, so build on what you already do well to care for them after the pandemic. By Scott Swenson We, in the haunt industry, are ahead of the game when it comes to actor safety, and we’re already doing a lot of things right to protect our performers. However, we’re […]

Designing a Fright Attraction from the Inside Out


A basic overview of the fright attraction design process! By Leonard Pickel, Hauntreprneurs.com Attraction Design and Consulting My background is architecture, and I design attractions using the architectural principle that “form ever follows function.” Meaning that the purpose of a building (or any object) should dictate its shape. In haunted attraction design, scaring people is the function. […]




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